Ubuntu does run quite well on this device, but it won't be supported by the device manufacturer. Here is a blog post by someone who installed Ubuntu on this device. Apparently everything worked, even the Wifi adapter. I have a feeling a lot of companies will neglect to state whether or not non-standard operating systems are supported By definition, they are not supported.

If you choose to put a different OS onto a computer, the company that sold the computer is not going to provide support to you. However, that doesn't mean it won't work. Empires dawn of the modern world 13 no cd crack. The Brix is a fairly standard x86/64 PC architecture with a traditional BIOS, Intel HD graphics etc.


Jan 28, 2017 - I've been using Linux since forever now and I never had so many. If it were really that bad I definitely wouldn't be able to use it as my daily driver. I own two Intel NUC and two Gigabyte Brix machines - all of them were. GIGABYTE's Haswell BRIX Lineup Updated with BRIX s Models. GIGABYTE took the NUC concept and designed their own board and chassis in the BRIX lineup. (not even a BCM4352, linux drivers are.