Karta Rossii Shp
General remarks: The WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Atlas of the World is an organized and commented collection of geographical, political and historical maps available at Wikimedia Commons. Oct 19, 2018 - Fire Map Fire Alerts Active Fire Data: SHP / TXT / KML Web Services Archive Download. Russia and Asia, 24h 48h 7d 24h 48h 7d.
Thousands of shapefile maps can be downloaded for free from the following websites, including country shapefiles, shapefiles at province or state level, and other administrative boundaries maps. The shapefile (or ESRI shapefile) format is a geospatial vector format, and is one of the most commonly used map formats. WORLD shapefile maps • - Excellent world shapefile maps with national boundaries, first order admin (provinces, states, etc.), disputed areas, coastlines, populated areas and more at various scale levels.
• - Another great world shapefile map, which comes with multiple administrative layers. COUNTRY shapefile maps • - Recently updated shapefile maps for all countries. For an alternative source based on GADM, but which also includes roads, railroads, altitude and land cover, see.
• (new!) - In some countries boundaries change regularly, and for these countries the Humanitarian Data Exchange maps is a better source than GADM. These maps are updated on a more regular basis because they are used by UN, government and development agencies and need to reflect the current situation. However, it only covers select countries, shown in this. If you cannot find it through the website, type in Google: InsertCountryName shapefile site:humdata.org • - Country shapefile maps for Africa in the public domain. • - Interactive country-level shapefile maps •: Different administrative levels from Open Street Map can be downloaded as follows - please note these are community edited, and not always complete: • Select a country, then *right-click* the country and click on 'select children'. • To drill down to further levels, *right-click* on one of the regions (or 'children') displayed, and again click on 'select children'.
• Once you have selected what you need, choose 'shp' in the bottom-left corner and click on the 'Export' button in the bottom of the screen. ALL shapefile maps • - A huge database of user submitted maps.
Search for any kind of map, then click on the 'shapefile' button to the right of the map (if available) to download the shapefiles. • - A great source for all kinds of shapefiles. • - A growing collection of shapefile map downloads by continent, region and country. These maps are community edited and are not always complete.
Various open street map shapefiles are also available from. US shapefile maps • - USA County and District Cartographic Boundary Files.
See also the. See also: • Data: • Multi-layer maps: • Point maps: • • • • Tools: Download country shapefile maps Free country shapefile maps can be downloaded below, which have already been integrated into StatPlanet. Maps indicated with an asterisk (*) are Flash maps rather than shapefile maps. Please note that not all country versions are using the latest version of. To update the country version to the latest version, please see the.
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Coat of arms [ ] The arms of the city display the in the act of defeating the Devil. Legend states that this victory took place near where the city stands, hence its name, and that Michael still stands watch over the city to prevent the Devil's return. History [ ] Early history [ ] knew the area around Arkhangelsk as.
Told circa 890 of his travels in an area by a river and the White Sea with many buildings. This was probably the place later known as Arkhangelsk. [ ] According to, Vikings led by raided this area in 1027. In 1989, an unusually impressive silver treasure was found by local farm workers by the mouth of Dvina, right next to present-day Arkhangelsk. It was probably buried in the beginning of the 12th century, and contained articles that may have been up to two hundred years old at that time. Most of the findings comprised a total of 1.6 kilograms (3.5 lb) of silver, largely in the form of coins. Jewelry and pieces of jewelry come from Russia or neighboring areas.
The majority of the coins were German, but the hoard also included a smaller number of, English,, Hungarian, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian coins. It is hard to place this find historically until further research is completed. There are at least two possible interpretations. It may be a treasure belonging to the society outlined by the Norse source material. Generally such finds, whether from, the area, or Russia, are closely tied to well-established agricultural societies with considerable trade activity.