Noti Dlya Bayana Derbenko Provozhanie
Lisanga Likoki ya Bazomi na Babale. Russell Ballard (20) Jeffrey R. Holland (20). Na puti k Parnasu Starshie klassy DMSH Dlya bayana i akkordeona [Ne ukazan] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
404 V dannyj sbornik voshli samye jarkie i populjarnye pesy rossijskikh, sovetskikh, zarubezhnykh kompozitorov dlja srednikh i starshikh klassov detskikh muzykalnykh shkol. Eto odna iz pervykh popytok obedinit luchshie solnye proizvedenija dlja bajana i akkordeona. Kazhdoe proizvedenie soprovozhdaetsja metodicheskimi kommentarijami- pozhelanijami dlja pedagogov. V sbornike predstavleny pesy, ispolnjaemye na konkursakh 'Akkordeon pljus' v posled nie gody v mladshikh vozrastnykh kategorijakh. Repertuar okhvatyvaet samye raznye napravlenija muzyki ot polifonii, obrabotok narodnykh pesen do estradnykh miniatjur razlichnykh kategorij slozhnosti, poetomu mozhet byt interesnym i dlja konkursnykh vystuplenij, i dlja kontsertov v shkolakh, i prosto dlja prokhozhdenija v ramkakh shkolnoj programmy.
Sbornik adresovan uchaschimsja srednikh i starshikh klassov DMSh i DSHI, a takzhe vsem ljubiteljam muzyki. SODERZHANIE 1. Anders Grjotpe. 'Shejkin-polka' Anders Grothe. Shaking Polka 2.
'Belka v kolese' Y. Running Around 3.
'Vospominanie' A. Recollection 4. F moll Prelude. Transcription — L. Khoral i variatsija na temu M. Fradkina 'U derevni Krjukovo' Ispol. A choral and a variation on the theme by M.
Fradkin 'Nearby Kryuokovo Village' Transcription — Y. 'Na karnavale' A. At the Carnival 10. 'Brilliantovye palchiki' Ispol. Diamond Fingers. Transcription — L.
Anders Grjote. 'Ochi chjornye' Anders Grothe. Eyes of Black 12. 'Volshebnyj faeton' A. Magic Phaethon 13.
'Kukushka iz Tirolja' V. A Cuckoo from Tyrol 14. Vodguk pra versh ramans bagdanovicha. 'Kovbojskoe rondo' D. Comboy Rondo 15.
Variatsii na temu detskoj pesni 'Zhil-byl u babushki.' Variations on the theme of the children song 'Once Upon at Granny's.' 'Metelitsa' Y.
Snowstorm 17. 'Avtoralli' A. 'Russkoe rondo' Ispol. Russian Style Rondo. Transcription — A. Belousov Metodicheskie kommentarii.
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