This is one very big letter translated in Russian, but intended for Bulgarians, yet it looks very strange being transliterated with Latin chars. It concerns some pension curiosities, advices to the pensioners, propositions for their bettering, a meaning about the social policy in Bulgaria, about the fight with the misery, again some ideas and propositions, meaning about the end of world capitalism, how to better our image before the world, and other topics. It is from an invented (yet literary hero) personage, ancestral intellectual, non-more-scientific assistant, with 2.5 tertiary educations, knowing 3.5 foreign languages, and for more than 25 year unemployed, now pensioner. It has been published by NOT a single Bulgarian authority and for that reason I publish it now around the world and in three languages. I am supplying also one introductory material in English ('Hellow-Mellow'), which explains what was in this Letter and many other things. And in the Bulgarian and Russian variants stays the English language because you on this site have forgotten the type 'others' and because I will answer whatever questions there may be in English, so that this is the official language here.

Keywords: labor law; material responsibility; material responsibility of the employee; Eurasian Economic Union; EAEU. Work bibliographic list 1. Grechenkov A.

Uslovija nastuplenija material'noj otvetstvennosti rabotnikov: sravnitel'nyj analiz Trudovyh kodeksov Respubliki Belarus' i Rossijskoj Federacii // Aktual'nye problemy jekonomicheskogo razvitija Respubliki Belarus' i ego pravovoe regulirovanie: materialy resp. Minsk, 30 sentjabrja 2010 g.) / redkol.: G. Shishko[i dr.]; nauch. Shishko, 2010. Timofey Malashenko, Ph.D.

Visual micro keygen crack. Student, Institute of Latin American Studies Russian Academy of Sciences, “Transformation of Spanish banking sector”, 4th International multidisciplinary scientific conference on social and arts (SGEM 2017), Book 1, Modern science proceedings, volume I, Political sciences, law, finance, international relations, 28-31 March, 2017, Extended scientific sessions Vienna, Austria. Published by STEF92 Technology Ltd, 51“Alexander Malinov” Blvd, 1712 Sofia, Bulgaria. The features of the international legal regulation of investment aspects of an energy cooperation The article is devoted to the description of international legal regulation of investment issues in the energy sector. The generalization of the main scientific approaches to this problem and the analysis of a number of international legal acts make it possible to conclude that the investment regime is fragmented under the terms of energy projects.

Everyone brought in his own expertise and taste, which makes this expansion outstandingly diversified. Vengeance pack.

The regional integration and bilateral agreements are the best forms of international legal regulation of foreign investments in this sphere. Interests of a child according to international and Russian law In the article the existing in jurisprudence definitions of the concept «interest», «interests in family law», «interests of the child» are considered, their critical evaluation is given. There are studied statutory provisions and scholarly opinions regarding the issue of correlation of the child’s and others’ interests. There are considered existing up to date scholarly positions and opinions of international authorities concerning the content of the concept 'interests of the child'. The content of the concept «best interests of a child» in international law (UN Convention on the rights of the child) and its extent of implementation into the Russian legislation are analyzed. Conclusion: Due to the fact that there is no consensus in the domestic criminal law doctrine about what should be understood as war crimes, and also because of their international legal origin, an explanation of the characteristics of the composition of war crimes requires an appeal to the norms of international criminal law, norms of international humanitarian law, as well as the practice of the modern bodies of international criminal justice.

The signs of the objective side, the subjective side and the subject are formulated in international criminal law quite fully. EU bodies, acting in sphere of insurance services regulation The main issue set up by the author of this article is to analyze the main aspects of the functioning of EU bodies, acting in sphere of insurance regulation. The conclusion made by the author as a result of investigation is that EU has a developed system of specialized bodies in insurance sector. The author gives a more in-depth research of the activity of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), its main targets and tasks. An increasing number of cruise ships are entering the Arctic zone. And if earlier their routes ran along the coast of Alaska and were limited to the Beaufort Sea, now the number of ships with tourists, which enter the Arctic and from the western direction is growing. Russian tour operators also began to look at this direction, especially since if you go into the Arctic waters, then Russian part is most capable to please tourists with great landscapes and marine life.