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Eventualmente controlla il file DISNEY.INI [Donald Duck] APPNAME=Donald Duck Company=Disney Interactive Version=1.0 Language=ISLANG_ENGLISH BasePlatformOS=WINDOWS 95,WINDOWS 98 BasePlatformRam=32000 USERRAM=65008 BasePlatformSound=16 InstallOptionType=ADVANCED DATE= APPPATH=. APPFOLDER=Disney Interactive Donald Duck EXE_ENTRY=Donald.exe InstallCount=1 [INSTALL] Company=Disney Interactive FullAppPath=. Version=1.0 MediumInstall=1 [] Language=ISLANG_ENGLISH_UNITEDSTATES CDROM_DRIVE=. [CONFIG] RAM=65008 CDROM_DRIVE=. BasePlatformSound=16 [TITLE HISTORY] 1=Donald Duck Cnt=1.