*Expand Description!* Have a request? Go here: and click 'Requests' Sorry for the speed of the video, I know it can be confusing; just bare with me. I had to speed it up to keep the video around 5 minutes long. Internet troubles.

In this Tutorial, we crack a Face Tracking application called EyeTwig Tracker. We use OllyDbg 2.0 to open the.exe to view its Assembly code, we then search for a string that will let us find the conditional jump that makes the Trial stop working after 7 days.

Then with 2 keystrokes (Yes, only change 2 letters) the application is cracked. It may sound complicated to some, But trust me, it's very simple indeed. Uploaded to www.fkn0wned.com by Dark Savant In the next video I will take it to the next level, of using a program to edit the forms of the application and add controls to it (Adding your own text, buttons, images, etc.) - Practically Redesigning the application you cracked;) This video is purely for educational purposes.

------------------------- Download Links: -EyeTwig Tracker: -OllyDbg 2.0.

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This makes if possible to perform a delayed primary closure of the fascia. This temporary abdominal closure technique employs a Velcro like material that is sutured to the fascia of the abdominal wall. Methods for temporary abdominal closure have subsequently evolved. Wittmann This method allows for reexploration of the abdomen as well as slow re-approximation of the abdominal wall over a period of days.